What is the W3C?

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international industry consortium dedicated to "leading the Web to its full potential“. It’s led by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web. Founded in 1994, the W3C has more than 450 member organizations – including Microsoft, America Online (parent company of Netscape Communications), Apple Inc., Adobe, Sun Microsystems, and a variety of other hardware and software manufacturers, content providers, academic institutions, and telecommunications companies. The Consortium is hosted by three research institutions – MIT in the US, INRIA in Europe, and Keio University in Japan.

What does it do?

The W3C develops open specifications (de facto standards) to enhance the interoperability of web-related products. W3C Recommendations are developed by working groups consisting of Consortium members and invited experts. Working groups obtain general consensus from companies and other organizations involved in creating applications for the Web, and create Working Drafts and Proposed Recommendations. These are then submitted to the W3C membership and director, for formal approval as W3C Recommendations. More information regarding this process and the review stages can be obtained from the W3C website.

What is the ECMA?

The European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) is an organization officially founded in 1961 in order to meet the need for standardizing computer operational formats, including programming languages and input/output codes. The ECMA is based in Geneva, Switzerland, near the headquarters of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). In 1994, the organization’s name was changed to the ECMA – European Association for Standardizing Information and Communication Systems, in order to reflect its broader range of activities.

What's a mashup, you ask?

It won't get you in trouble at the office Christmas party, if that's what you're thinking. Quick with the joke? Gifted with the wit? Take a shot and try to come up with a better punch line than Scott Adams. C'mon.... we dare you! With the new Punch Line Mashup, Scott'll write the first two frames and you create the last. You can then fire off your masterpiece to all your friends, fans and cubemates. Then sit back on your throne of brilliance and let the ranking begin!

What is the Most Popular section of the site?

This is where you can find the very top ranked strips, animation and mashups. Then you can vote for your favorites, send to friends, or just enjoy the funny.

Where can I find all the previous Dilbert strips?

You can get all the Dilberts since time began right here on dilbert.com... eventually. We will have all the Dilbert strips since 1987 available soon and all in color.